While the design and layout are fun and functionally necessary, it's the content that will draw your readers in and keep them coming back. So how do you actually go about writing one of these engaging and informational pieces? Writing Your First Blog Post You’ve got the technical and practical tidbits down now it’s time to write your very first blog post. And nope, this isn’t the space to introduce yourself and your new blog (i.e. “Welcome to my blog! This is the topic I’ll be covering. Here are my social media handles. Will you please follow?”). Start with “low-hanging fruit,” writing about a highly specific topic that serves a small segment of your target audience.
That seems unintuitive, right? If more people are searching for a term or a topic, that should mean more readers for you. But that’s not true. If you choose a general and highly searched topic that’s been covered by major competitors or more established fax number list brands, it’s unlikely that your post will rank on the first page of search engine results pages (SERPs). Give your newly born blog a chance by choosing a topic that few bloggers have written about. Let’s walk through this process. 1. Choose a topic you’re passionate and knowledgeable about. Before you write anything, pick a topic for your blog post.
The topic can be pretty general to start. For example, if you're a company that sells a CRM for small-to-enterprise businesses, your post might be about the importance of using a single software to keep your marketing, sales, and service teams aligned. Pro tip: You may not want to jump into a "how-to" article for your first blog post. Why? Your credibility hasn’t been established yet. Before teaching others how to do something, you’ll first want to show that you’re a leader in your field and an authoritative source. For instance, if you're a plumber writing your first post, you won’t yet write a post titled “How to Replace the Piping System in your Bathroom.
Incorporating puns related to biblical figures or events, Christian Christmas jokes cleverly infuse a sense of wordplay into the festive atmosphere.
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